Nuclear Energy — Global Trends and Perspectives in South-East Europe

Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti
Godina izdanja:
Vrsta skupa:
Regionalna konferencija
Datum održavanja:
10–12. 05. 2011.
Broj knjige u ediciji:
17 x 24 cm
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  1. Momir Djurović: Is it possible to provide enough energy not using nuclear power?
  2. Miodrag Čanović: Speech at the Opening of the Regional Conference “Nuclear Energy – Global Trends and Perspectives in South-East Europe”
  3. Yanko Yanev: Nuclear Power Development in the 21st Century and the Knowledge Challenge
  4. Vladimir Knapp, Ivo Šlaus: Nuclear Energy – Global and EU Trends
  5. Nikola Popov, Gligor Kanevce, Ljubica Kanevce: Nuclear Energy in the World and Europe – Development and Trends
  6. Slobodan Jovanović: Nuclear power – the spectrum of perspectives
  7. Olgerts Dumbrajs: Nuclear fission and fusion: rivals or companions?
  8. Nicolae Victor Zamfir, Raluca Iuliana Stoicea Epureanu: Nuclear Research: legal and practical aspects
  9. Ivan M. Neklyudov, Victor N. Voyevodin: Modern Status of Materials for Nuclear Energetic 
  10. Tanja Perko, Catrinel Turcanu, Benny Carlé, Tim Vidmar: How transparent is transparent enough? A case study of a minor nuclear event
  11. Ljubica Kanevce, Gligor Kanevce, Nikola Popov: Nuclear Power Program Approaches in Selected Newcomer Countries
  12. Igor Jenčič: Nuclear Energy in Slovenia – Status and Perspectives
  13. Kristina Čelić: Croatian energy strategy and nuclear power programme
  14. Kiril Krezhov: Involvement of INRNE-BAS in the Bulgarian nuclear energy programs and the experience gained in operating of the research reactor IRT-Sofia
  15. Milo Kuneshka: Albanian National Nuclear Program related to the Global Trends and Perspectives in South-East Europe
  16. Lyuben Marinov: Updated Strategy for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
  17. Raphael Moissis: Nuclear Energy Perspectives in Greece — A Renaissance or a Déjà vu?
  18. Gligor Kanevce, Ljubica Kanevce, Nikola Popov: Nuclear Power as an Option in Macedonian Energy Strategy
  19. Perko Vukotić, Slobodan Jovanović: Nuclear- and energy-related issues in Montenegro
  20. Haluk Yücel: Education in nuclear sciences as a basis of expanding nuclear energy programmes in Turkey
  21. Ludmil T. Tsankov, Ivaylo D. Christoskov: Education in Nuclear Science and Engineering in Bulgaria: National standards and regulations and present status
  22. Jovan Elazar, Dragana Nikolić, Djordje Šijački: Restoring Nuclear Education and Training in Serbia
  23. Željko Tomšić, Robert Pašičko, Nenad Debrecin: Nuclear Power Plant Competitiveness and Impacts of CO2 price in Croatia
  24. Gheorghe Duka, Vladimir Berzan, Sergiu Robu: Application in Moldova of IAEA’s Energy Planning Tools
  25. Mustafa Musić, Sead Spahić, Ajla Lukač: Long-term development plan of JP Elektroprivreda BiH d. d. – Sarajevo until year 2025