Technology + Society ? Future

Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti
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Vrsta skupa:
Scientific meeting
Datum održavanja:
19–20. 05. 2016.
Broj knjige u ediciji:
17 x 24 cm
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  1. Momir Đurović: Can we live with technology advance?
  2. Heitor Gurgulino De Souza: Opening remarks
  3. Graham D. Caie: Welcome from Allea
  4. Felix Unger: Welcome remarks
  5. Gilbert Fayl: Opening words
  6. Gordon A. McBean: Opening comments
  7. Peter McGrath: Welcome address
  8. Milo Đukanović: Letter to Mr Momir Đurović
  9. Loucas G. Christophorou: Science-Based Technology and Society
  10. Gordon McBean: Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future Earth
  11. Miroslav Vesković: Reinventing together society, economy and science
  12. Tadej Bajd: Science and technology issues through the development of robotics
  13. Alexander Likhotal: Science and progress
  14. Alberto Zucconi: What kind of education is needed to navigate the fourth industrial revolution?
  15. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis: Biopolicy — building a vision of hope and technology as the tools for future society
  16. Jüri Engelbrecht: Complex society and values
  17. Miloš Trifković: Can moral behavior of public enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina be improved by legislated model codes of ethics?
  18. Josef Lazar: Technology and knowledge transfer in post-transformation economies
  19. Mathieu Denis: Science and technology, and the work of the international social science council
  20. Ljubiša Rakić: Technology — society relation, challenge for future existence
  21. Winston P. Nagan, Megan E. Weeren: Technology, scientific consciousness and values
  22. Noam Lior, Mirjana Radovanović: Sustainability and its measurement
  23. Vesna Baltezarević, Radoslav Baltezarević: The internet and virtual „reality“
  24. Ullica Segerstrale: Cooperation as a social technology
  25. Peter F. McGrath: Synthetic biology: opportunities and governance
  26. Oksana Slyusarenko: The current state of political representation of women and basic methods of their involvement in the political process
  27. Nuri A. Yurdusev: Technology-driven change in international relations: Quantitative or Qualitative?
  28. Zlatko Lagundžija: Shared society and values — goals and tools of sustainable development
  29. Erich Hoedl: How to govern Technological Advances by Education?
  30. Veselin Vukotić: Sense of future or learning from life
  31. Lorenzo Gascón: Shaping the world at an almost uncontrollable speed
  32. Saulo José Casali Bahia: Multiculturalism (Technology, Values and Society)
  33. Neven Duić: Smart energy systems — decoupling from resource based energy
  34. Timi Ecimovic: Homo sapiens universal upbringing, education and life-long learning toward the sustainable future of humankind
  35. Garry Jacobs: Technology, Employment & Human Welfare
  36. Georghe Duca: Science for sustainable development of society
  37. Carlos Avarez-Pereira: A New Conceptual Framework to Prevent Technolitarian Futures
  38. Nebojša Nešković: Importance of basic research for technology advances
  39. Saša Popović: Financial Innovation and Tech-No-Logical Progress
  40. Dragoljub Mirjanić: The influence of renewable energy sources and clean technologies to the climate changes in the undeveloped countries. Overwiev of Republic of Srpska and B&H
  41. Anita Etale, Sabelo D. Mhlanga: Ethical issues in nanotechnology research: perceptions of researchers at the University of South Africa
  42. Rajendra K. Pachauri: Climate change and its technological implications
  43. Tibor Tóth: Global regimes of weapons and technologies of mass destruction (wtmd): Is Schrödinger’s cat dead or alive? Will Wigner’s friend speak out?
  44. Ulric Fayl v. Hentaller, Gilbert Fayl, Ivo Grga: Science + Society = Policy-advice
  45. Paulo Alcantara Gomes: Technological Advances to Improve Social Changes in Brazil
  46. Gabriel Bianchi: What to do with the spirit-soul gap when facing technology innovations: Another case for a liminality hotspot? (a science essay)
  47. Alexander Ruser, Amanda Machin: Technology can save us, can’t it? The emergence of the ‘techno-fix’ narrative in climate politics
  48. Angela Bushati, Salvatore Bushati: Encourage the creativity starting at the early childhood: the most effective investments for quality young researchers in the future
  49. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo: The message of ‘Laudato si’, mi signore’ — ‘Praise be to you, my lord’
  50. Abdeslam Badre: Leveraging science diplomacy for societal development across nations
  51. Radovan Stojanović: Science and technology transfer from rich to poor — the help or a bubble
  52. Neki Frasheri, Gudar Beqiraj: The tragedy of innovation — reflections on innovation and disruption impacts
  53. Ivo Šlaus: Concluding remarks