Transition to a new society

Autor / Autori:
Christophorou, Loucas G. / Angjeli, Anastas / Kostić, Milica / Afgan, Naim Hamdia / Popović, Saša / Kahane, Yehuda / Göttel, Hans / Trifković, Miloš / Ruser, Alexander / Jamnik, Anton / Kambovski, Vlado / Hoedl, Erich / Skalenko, Alexey / Kick, Hermes Andreas / Bummel, Andreas / Paula, L. / Laroche, G. / Galiay, Philippe / Jacobs, Garry / Giarini, Orio / Nagan, Winston P. / Rizman, Rudolf M. / Segerstrale, Ullica / Drenth, Pieter J. D. / Đukanović, Milo / Beneš, Jiří / Noort, Ed / Gurgulino de Souza, Heitor / Unger, Felix / Đurović, Momir / Caglioti, Giuseppe / Mcgregor, Sue L. T. / Torkar, Gregor / Bezák, Peter / Žila, Pavel / Gajdoš, Peter / Halada, Ľuboš / Oszlányi, Július / Miklós, Lászlo / Izakovičová, Zita / Baltezarević, Radoslav / Baltezarević, Vesna / Gutenschwager, Gerald / Simonian, Simon J. / Tym, Antonín / Šafanda, Jan / Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos / Pawłowski, Lucjan / Pawłowski, Artur / Dobrowolski, Jan W. / Babuder, Maks / Vončina, Rudi / Cerk, Ana / Kugonič, Urška / Leśniak-Łebkowska, Grażyna / Lindgren, Carl Edwin / Radović-Marković, Mirjana / Kvesitadze, Georgi / Gascón, Lorenzo / Vlavianos Arvanitis, Agni / Šlaus, Ivo / Allab, Kada / O’hara, Maureen / Caraça, João / Engelbrecht, Jüri / Nelson, Ruben / Rakić, Ljubiša / Kuzmanović, Rajko / Fayl v. Hentaller, Ulric / Fayl, Gilbert / Vukotić, Perko / Zaporozhan, Valeriy N. / Đukanović, Slobodan / Đurović, Igor / Frashëri, Neki / Beqiraj, Gudar / Mirjanić, Dragoljub Lj. / Tchouvileva, Tatiana V. / De Castro, Marco Aurélio Júnior / Von Uexkull, Jakob / Gavrankapetanović, Faris / Barjaba, Kosta
Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti
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Međunarodna konferencija
Datum održavanja: Odjeljenje umjetnosti
20–22. 03. 2014.
Broj knjige u ediciji:
17 x 24 cm
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  1. Momir Djurović: Welcome address
  2. Felix Unger: Address at the Opening of the Conference
  3. Heitor Gurguluino de Souza: Address at the Opening of the Conference
  4. Ed Noort: Address at the Opening of the Conference
  5. Jiří Beneš: Address at the Opening of the Conference
  6. Letter of Mr. Milo Djukanović, Prime minister of Montenegro
  7. Pieter J. D. Drenth: Responsibilities of scientists in a world in transition
  8. Ullica Segerstrale: Futuristic Scenarios and Human Nature: Towards a New Digital Humanism
  9. Rudolf M. Rizman: The Paradox of Globalization: Where Is Alternative?
  10. Winston P. Nagan: The Global Rule of Law, Social Justice and the Commons
  11. Orio Giarini: Towards the Service Economy
  12. Garry Jacobs: Towards a New Paradigm in Education
  13. Philippe Galiay, G. Laroche, L. Paula: Socio-epistemic networks and human brains meta-network: Capital’s ultimate avatars in the new society?
  14. Andreas Bummel: A World Parliament and the Transition from International Law to World Law
  15. Hermes Andreas Kick: Crisis of European Identity – Crisis of Institutions: Can Interactive Institutions Help?
  16. Alexey Skalenko: Globally systemic crisis of the transinformational civilization
  17. Erich Hoedl: European transition into a socio-ecological market economy
  18. Vlado Kambovski: The new “social contract” on capitalism with a human face
  19. Anton Jamnik: Business ethics as new challenge in modern economy
  20. Alexander Ruser: Knowledge-driven politics or political motivated knowledge distribution? The influence of environmental think tanks on national climate politics Evidence from Germany
  21. Miloš Trifković: The impact of globalization on bilateral investment treaties and their models – the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  22. Hans Göttel: Cosmopolitan Traits in Dag Hammarskjöld’s Political Vision
  23. Yehuda Kahane: Rebooting & the New Economy
  24. Saša Popović: Transition to a New Society – Resource Efficiency Perspective
  25. Naim Hamdia Afgan: Sustainable resilience of cultural system
  26. Milica Kostić: Challenges to small countries in the future
  27. Anastas Angjeli: A new economic model which maximiZeS the economic freedom
  28. Loucas G. Christophorou: Energy, environment and modern civilization
  29. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis: Biopolicy for a New Society of Hope. Guidelines and Paradigms for Change – the Role of Education
  30. Lorenzo Gascón: Thinking aloud about the climate change
  31. Georgi Kvesitadze: Plant as a main tool in creation of ecological balance
  32. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Carl Edwin Lindgren: Genetically modified foods vs. Organic foods: is there a conflict between health and profit?
  33. Grażyna Leśniak-Łebkowska: Business motivations to expand the global environmental market (gem) and environmentally friendly practices
  34. Urška Kugonič, Ana Cerk, Rudi Vončina, Maks Babuder: Importance of up to date power lines’ environmental impact assessment
  35. Jan W. Dobrowolski: Methodological experiences of 45 years activity of sustainable development and common action of experts and knowledge-based society for promotion of innovative green economy
  36. Artur Pawłowski, Lucjan Pawłowski: Can biofuels be sustainable source of energy
  37. Evangelos Moutsopoulos: Urbanization: the case of Greece
  38. Jan Šafanda, Antonín Tym: Geothermal energy as a solution of the city air pollution – an example from Czechia
  39. Simon J. Simonian: Successful transition to a new society in the city of Santa Barbara, California, USA, using community cooperation-collaboration
  40. Gerald Gutenschwager: Urban Planning Theory and the Role of Doxiadis’ Theory of Ekistics
  41. Vesna Baltezarević, Radoslav Baltezarević: Manipulation of reality into the food of the future
  42. Zita Izakovičová, Lászlo Miklós, Július Oszlányi: Landscape-ecological approach to the biodiversity protection
  43. Július Oszlányi, Ľuboš Halada, Peter Gajdoš, Pavel Žila, Peter Bezák: The consequences of long-term land use changes to agriculture, grassland vegetation and selected invertebrates in the marginal mountain region of Slovakia
  44. Gregor Torkar, Sue L. T. Mcgregor: Emerging transdisciplinary thinking in science: Lessons to be learned as we strive for societal transformation
  45. Giuseppe Caglioti: Transformations of physical systems and transitions of human society
  46. Kosta Barjaba: Migration and social changes: Albanian Diasporas of Albania, Kosova, Montenegro and Macedonia
  47. Faris Gavrankapetanović: Aging population – health insurance or challenge of aging for social security
  48. Jakob von Uexkull: A New Human Story
  49. Marco Aurélio De Castro Júnior: The challenge of law after post-humanity: robotics law
  50. Tatiana V. Tchouvileva: Adaptation of Aesthetic Taste to Technological Changes
  51. Dragoljub Mirjanić: The influence of clean technologies on new society
  52. Carl Edwin Lindgren: Brain enhancement in the 21st century
  53. Gudar Beqiraj, Neki Frasheri: Contradictory sides of information technology for development
  54. Igor Djurović, Slobodan Djukanović: Will technological society be inhuman?
  55. Valeriy N. Zaporozhan: Nooethics as modern stage of global bioethics
  56. Perko Vukotić: Some issues and concerns about impact of advanced technologies on human beings and society
  57. Gilbert Fayl, Ulric Fayl V. Hentaller: A New Renaissance for Europe?
  58. Rajko Kuzmanović: Controversies in the process of transition to a new society
  59. Ljubiša Rakić: Cooperation as prerequisite for social well being and sciences development
  60. Ruben Nelson: Civilizational paradigm change: the modern/industrial case
  61. Jüri Engelbrecht: Networks, mobility and young researchers
  62. João Caraça: Is globalisation being trapped?
  63. Maureen O’hara: Strangers in a strange land: Some thoughts on the knowing, learning and education for the global knowledge society
  64. Kada Allab: The Impacts of the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies on the Society
  65. Ivo Šlaus: Transition to a New Society – Concluding Remarks
  66. Momir Djurović: What technology can do to our lives?