Values and 21st Century

Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti
Godina izdanja:
Vrsta skupa:
International Conference
Datum održavanja:
19–21. 11. 2009.
Broj knjige u ediciji:
17 x 24 cm
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  1. Momir Đurović: Science discoveries, technology advancement and values
  2. Milo Đukanović: Address at the Inauguration of the International Conference „Values and the 21st Century”
  3. Ivo Šlaus: Welcome address
  4. Felix Unger: Values and 21st Century
  5. Ullica Segerstrale: Values and Science for the 21st Century
  6. Vlado Kambovski: Science, axiology and legal values in the 21st Century
  7. Vaskrsija Janjić: Food production is a precondition for a good quality of human life
  8. Ivo Šlaus: Can we have a common value system?
  9. Tamaz Gamkrelidze: On the Ecology of Culture
  10. Dragutin Leković: Anthropological necessity of values creation
  11. Ljubiša Rakić: Regulatory Systems and Values
  12. Ivana Jelić: Human rights and human security in multicultural society
  13. Dénes Nagy: Interdisciplinary co-operations in the 21st Century: The continuation of excellence in art and science in Central and Eastern Europe
  14. Ivan Bernik: Does Post-Socialism Make People Happy?
  15. Peter Vale: The Humanities and Social Sciences in South Africa
  16. Loucas G. Christophorou: Universal and Complementary Values
  17. Jerzy Osiatyński: Corporate Values of the Financial-Industrial Complex and Democratic Values: Challenges in the 21st Century
  18. Ilija Vujačić: Value Pluralism and Multiculturalism
  19. Ionel Haiduc: Can be a dialogue between natural sciences and humanities?
  20. Nadežda Čačinović: Values and Art: Aesthetic and Meta-aesthetic Issues
  21. Michael Ugrumov: Science management: Challenges of the 21st Century
  22. Philippe Galiay: Knowledge Societies: Value-free or Value-laden?
  23. Talavs Jundzis: The World Economic Crises and Human Values
  24. Ljubomir Maksimović: Culture and Values
  25. Isidoros Karatzas: Research ethics and the EC Framework programme: Do the right thing and do it right
  26. Vojislav Stanovčić: Ethics, Politics and Science
  27. Milorad Simunović: Psychological mediation between the instrumental and terminal values
  28. Rajko Kuzmanović: Globalization, Economy and Law
  29. Esat Stavileci, Pajazit Nushi: The Science, Ethics and Academic Editions
  30. Nils Karlson: Human Dignity, Globalization and the Welfare State
  31. Norbert Kroó: Science for the future
  32. Erich Hoedl: Economic values, environment and technology
  33. Jaime Gil Aluja: Change of values and a change in the research perspectives for the 21st Century
  34. Sonja Tomović-Šundić: The Issue of Values, Ethics and Politics
  35. Miroslav Prokopijević: Classical liberalism in the 21st Century
  36. Martin Bohle: Values and Sciences in Service to Society
  37. Veselin Vukotić: Traditional values and creative Economics
  38. Diána Bánáti: Ethical considerations in the agri-food chain
  39. Radovan Bigović: Faith and Reason in the 21st Century
  40. Slobodan Tomović: Evolution and Creation
  41. Sergej Flere: Observing and predicting traditionalism on the basis of confessional belonging in the (former) Yugoslavia, 1986 and 2009
  42. Veljko Mijić: Volunteering Economic Development – Some evidences on prompting for development of European post-conflict zones
  43. Evanghelos Moutsopoulos: Aesthetics within Ethics
  44. Saša Popović, Ljudmila Mila Popović: Economics of Dignity: Growing people from consumers to members
  45. Marina Tavčar Krajnc: Traditionalism versus (post)modernism: a study of student population on the territory of former Yugoslavia – gender perspective
  46. Ľubomír Faĺtan: Science and humanizing of society